This last weekend, my parents came to visit! It was so much fun.
We started out by going to see Wicked. I am amazed by the people who put that all together. It really was impressive.

On Saturday, we pretty much walked the entire city. Here are some pictures of our adventures.

Out in front of Dan's school

This is me inside our elevator.

Anyone hungry?

Yes those are whole pigs.

This picture is taken at the Palace of Fine Arts. It is one of my favorite places to go. You can tell how beautiful it is here. Notice the bird in-flight. Props on the picture Dad!

View on top of our roof.

On Monday we went to Alcatraz. Notice how are all listening intently to our audio tours.

Having my parents come to see us was the best.

After walking everywhere, eating some great food, having windy/sunny/rainy conditions, I think my parents could say they know what life is like for us out here.
Love you guys!!