Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here we go!

Hello all! 

Well I decided to start a blog mainly because my friends and family kept asking me to. So here it is everyone!

As you may or may not know, Dan and I just moved to San Francisco. So this is my effort to try and stay connected to everyone. Plus, I think it is a good way to document my life as well. 

Now before we get going let me just say a couple of things... 

First of all, I always thought that you had to have kids or at least have one in your tummy to have a blog. Well Dan and I do not have kids and I am not "prego." So I just wanted to make sure everyone knows this.

Secondly, I still have some other weird apprehensions about blogging and I hope I don't compromise on these:
  1. Over exposed bloggers: I really don't like it when people are too personal in there blogs because it makes the reader/audience feel uncomfortable. 
  2. Non-existent blogger: I hope to make blog entries more than twice a year. 
  3. Cheesy bloggers: Oh please say I never do this....
Ok, with that out of the way, let's get blogging!!!


Lindsay Cahoon said...

Allow me to say that this is the happiest day of my life. All my dreams are coming true in the form of this blog.

Mia said...

I'll have to agree with Lindsay - this may very well be the best day of my life so far. And please, do not hesitate to share the cheese - the cheesier the better in my opinion.

Katie said...

Yay!!!!! I'm so glad you started a blog! Now I can stalk you!